B14m-2018 – Environmental Engineering
Environmental Engineering
Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Ulrike Feistel
B19m Studienordnung vom 30.05.2016
Gültig von: WS 2016
B19m Study Regulations dated 30.05.2016
This is a translation for information purposes. Only the German wording of the study and examination regulations of May 30th 2016 is legally binding.
Gültig von: WS 2016
B19m Prüfungsordnung vom 30.05.2016
Gültig von: WS 2016
B19m Examination Regulations dated 30.05.2016
This is a translation for information purposes. Only the German wording of the study and examination regulations of May 30th 2016 is legally binding.
Gültig von: WS 2016
B14m Änderungssatzung vom 30.04.2019
Gültig von: SS 2019