W539 – Corporate Responsibility

Corporate Responsibility
Corporate Responsibility
Module number
Version: 2
Business Administration
1 semester
Winter semester
Module supervisor

Prof. Dr. Gerard Lewis


Prof. Dr. Gerard Lewis

Teaching language(s)


ECTS credits

5.00 Credits


150 hours


4.00 SWS (2.00 SWS Lecture | 2.00 SWS Seminar)

Self-study time

90.00 hours

Pre-requisite(s) for the examination
Not specified

Written examination
Examination duration: 90 min | Weighting: 60 %

Alternative examination - Essay
Examination duration: 0 min | Weighting: 40 %

Teaching form

The principles, concepts and theories will be presented during
For many topics there are chapters from the module text books
and some additional readings which support the concepts
presented in the lectures.
Worked examples and problems
Application of the module materials is reinforced using mini-cases,
problems and examples.
Case Studies
Students preparecase assignments prior to the scheduled case
discussion. Students will be asked questions relating to the case
and are expected to present their arguments and reasoning.
Students are expected to write a 3000 word academic essay paper on a topic relating to corporate responsibility.

Media type

Lecture slides are in PPT/PDF format.
Where appropriate, guest lectures and AV material will be used.

Teaching content / structure

The module will cover the following topics:

Ecological Literacy

Corporate Responsibility

The Stakeholder Context

Issues driving the CR agenda

Operations & Efficiency

Stategy and Effectiveness

Qualification objectives

The aim of the module is to sensitise students to the challenges of managing a corporation in a responsible way within the contemporary global business and stakeholder context.

After successfully completing the module the student will be able to:

  • critically reflect on the concept of corporate responsibility and its application in business.
  • apply corporate responsibility concepts to management and decision making in business
Social and personal skills

Critical thinking within a CR context.
Essay writing skills.
Creativity - 'stepping outside of the box' is the essence of
successful business strategy.

Special admission requirement(s)
Not specified
Recommended prerequisites

English level C1
Students are expected to approach the module with an open mind and a critical/objective view of corporations and their activities.

English level B2, TOEFL 550 or equivalent

Continuation options
Not specified

The following textbooks are recommended for supporting and
complementing the module lectures.

The Green Reader, Andrew Dodson (ed.), Andre Deutsch, 1991.

The Ecology of Commerce, Paul Hawken, Phoenix, 1993.

Simon Zadek, The Civil Corporation: the new economy of corporate citizenship, Earthscan, 2001.

Current teaching resources

Module materials are available on Portal Sachsen (OPAL)


The module is cross-functional in nature and has a high
strategic emphasis. Therefore the module draws upon basic
knowledge from other subjects and requires students to take a
more holistic and critical view of business and management in an
international context.
The module provides an important insight into the social and environmental challenges currently facing professional managers. The module is especially relevant for those who wish to make an international career in CR strategy or general management.