W302 – Management of Non-Profit Organisations

Management of Non-Profit Organisations
Management of Non-Profit Organisations
Module number
W302 [E02]
Version: 2
Business Administration
1 semester
Winter semester
Module supervisor

Prof. Dr. rer. pol. Nicola Neuvians


Prof. Dr. rer. pol. Nicola Neuvians

Teaching language(s)

German - 50.00 %

English - 50.00 %

ECTS credits

5.00 Credits


150 hours


4.00 SWS (2.00 SWS Lecture | 2.00 SWS Seminar)

Self-study time

90.00 hours

Pre-requisite(s) for the examination
Not specified

Written examination
Examination duration: 90 min | Weighting: 70 % | Tested in English language

Alternative examination - Referat
Examination duration: 20 min | Weighting: 30 % | Tested in English language

Teaching form

In class: Lecture, seminaristic teaching, group work, case study discussions; literature search and readings as part of self studies; preparation, implementation and presentation of different projects in class and at home; lecture scripts and other materials are offered via OPAL.

Media type
Not specified
Teaching content / structure
  • Three sectors theory (Private/Public/Non-Profit)
  • Goals, characteristics and structur of Non-Profit Organisations
  • (NPOs/NGOs)
  • Scientific/Theoretical approaches to describe NPOs
  • Organisational types and models of NPOs
  • Management instruments and systems in NPOs (Performance Management, Corporate Governance, Human Resources, Controlling, Organisation of volunteer work)
  • Leadership and competence in NPOs
  • Goals, functioning and positioning of regional, national and international NPOs/NGOs
  • Opportunities to further professionalise NPOs
  • Cooperation trends between private enterprises and NPOs
  • in-depth description and discussion of different NPOs/NGOs (legal forms, applied management systems)
Qualification objectives

The students have an understanding of the management and governance specifics of NPOs as well as the management knowledge regarding leadership and organisation of/in NPOs. The students are able to apply their knowledge in the following fields with the objective of professionalising NPOs:

  • general set-up and conditional factors regarding the NPO sectors in Germany, Europe and North America
  • management and governance specifics and requirements profile for leadership and non-leadership roles in NPOs
  • differences between various types of NPOs
  • handling of management situations in NPOs
Social and personal skills

The students possess implementation-orientied skills to design/change/management processes in NPOs (methods and social skills)

Special admission requirement(s)
Not specified
Recommended prerequisites
Not specified
Continuation options
Not specified
  • Anheier, H. K. & Schröer, A. (2012): Nonprofit Organisationen: Eine Einführung zu Theorie, Management und Politik, VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften (oder englische Originalversion).
  • Badelt, C. (2007): Handbuch der Nonprofit Organisation, Schaeffer- Poeschel, 4. Aufl., Stuttgart.

  • Drucker, P. F. (1990): Managing the Non-Profit Organization: Principles and Practices, HarperCollins-Publisher, New York.

  • Eschenbach, R. & Horak, C. (2003): Führung der Nonprofit Organisation, 2. Aufl., Schaeffer Pöschel, Stuttgart.
Current teaching resources



The module intensifies the knowledge acquired in basic management/organisation/leadership modules in the context of NPOs/NGOs