W544 – Human Resources Management - Lead, perform, reward
Human Resources Management - Lead, perform, reward
Version: 2
Prof. Dr. rer. pol. Anne-Katrin Haubold
Prof. Dr. rer. pol. Anne-Katrin Haubold
5.00 Credits
150 hours
4.00 SWS (2.00 SWS Lecture | 2.00 SWS Seminar)
90.00 hours
Alternative examination - Written performance assessment
Examination duration: 60 min | Weighting: 50 % | Tested in English language
Alternative examination - Paper
Weighting: 50 % | Tested in English language
Multi-method course relying on short lectures, student group work, business case discussions, expert interviews
Powerpoint presentations for the lecture part; additional material (case studies, worksheets, etc.) in paper form
- Working time
- Labour standards
- Performance management tools
- Job evaluation
- Base pay
- Bonus payments
- Non-financial rewards
- The evolution of leadership (theory)
- disciplinary leadership vs. self-leadership and organisational leadership
- Leadership theories and models
- Leadership tools
- Current trends in leadership research and practice
Detailled knowledge in HRM fields covered above; ability to question common HRM practices in the field of performance and reward management; develop a critical point of view towards leadership theories and practices
Ability to investigate in special fields of HRM and collate knowledge in a structured way (via student presentations and essays)
Very good english language skills (TOEFL 500 and above), good basic knowledge of Human Resources Management
Bratton, J.; Gold, J. (2011). Human Resource Management. Theory and Practice (4th ed.). New York: Palgrave McMillan; Rowley, C.; Jackson, K. (2011). Human Resource Management: The Key Concepts. London: Routledge
The course is fully taught in English