W937 – Management of complex leadership tasks

Management of complex leadership tasks
Management of Complex Leadership Tasks
Module number
Version: 1
Business Administration
1 semester
Summer semester
Module supervisor

Prof. Dr.phil. et rer.nat.habil Rüdiger von der Weth


Prof. Dr.phil. et rer.nat.habil Rüdiger von der Weth

Teaching language(s)


ECTS credits

5.00 Credits


150 hours


4.00 SWS (1.00 SWS Lecture | 1.00 SWS Seminar | 2.00 SWS Other)

Self-study time

90.00 hours

Pre-requisite(s) for the examination
Not specified

Alternative examination - Portfolio
Weighting: 100 % | Tested in English language

Alternative examination - Referat
Examination duration: 30 min | Weighting: 0 % | not graded | Tested in English language

Teaching form

Lecture 25%

Flipped Classroom 50%

Seminar 25%

Media type



more (optional)

Teaching content / structure

I Lecture

  1. Complexity

1.1  Complex demands

1.2 The process of action regulation

1.3 Typical error and it´s reasons

1.4 Interaction between motivation, emotion and cognition in complex situations

2.Managing complexity in sociotechnical systems

2.1  Knowledge and teamwork (shared mental models)

2.2 Self-reflection and Coaching

2.2 Analyzing tasks and information flow in complex work systems

2.3  Organizing a sociotechnical system as a leadership task

2.4 Individual demands for change agents

  1. Case studies

3.1 Emergency: The Tshernobyl disaster

3.2 Long term developments: The decline of the Roman empire

3.3 Actual economical and political developments   

  1. Tools for monitoring and planning complex projects

4.1 Project management me5hods

4.2 Organizing information and work flow

5. Self-efficacy and coaching

II. Flipped classroom sessions 


Actual publications on complexity management

Case studies of economical and political decisions

Field studies: Analysis of complex work places

III Simulation Game

Decision making in a complex and dynamic management task

Qualification objectives

Knowledge of central concepts; understanding the role of human behaviour in managing complex work tasks; Analyzing suitability of management strategies for the students´own tasks and ressources now and in future

Social and personal skills

Self-reflection strategies

Communication and cooperation skills for complex projects

Strategies for self-assessment

Knowledge of SOP´s for critical and dangerous situations

Special admission requirement(s)
Not specified
Recommended prerequisites

Openness for discussing own strengths and weaknesses

Continuation options
Not specified


Dörner, D. (1996). The Logic of Failure, New York, Metropolitan Books.

Kahnemann, D. (2011). Thinking, Fast and Slow. Basingstoke: MacMillan.

Kunert, S. & von der Weth, R. (2017). Failure in Projects. In: S. Kunert (Ed.)  Strategies in Failure Management. Berlin. Springer, pp.50-68.

Saifoulline, R., von der Weth, R., Hemberger, C., Grunau J. & Schönwandt,W. (2009). The influence of a problem solving training on shared mental models of spatial planners. Psychologie des Alltagshandelns, 2,1,14-20.

Wäfler, T., von der Weth, R., Karltun, J., Starker, U., Gärtner, K., Gasser, R., Bruch, J. (2010).  Human control capabilities. In: Fransoo, J.C., Wäfler, T., Wilson, J. (Hrsg.) Behavioral Operations in Planning and Scheduling. Berlin: Springer, pp. 199-230.

Current teaching resources


Forum (OPAL)

Work sheets

Simulation game

Laboratory equipment for behaviour analysis



Not specified