W933 – International Economics
International Economics
Version: 2
Prof. Dr. rer. pol. Angela Wienen
Prof. Dr. rer. pol. Angela Wienen
5.00 Credits
150 hours
4.00 SWS (2.00 SWS Lecture | 2.00 SWS Seminar)
90.00 hours
Alternative examination - Referat
Examination duration: 30 min | Weighting: 50 % | Tested in English language
Written examination
Examination duration: 90 min | Weighting: 50 % | Tested in English language
Lecturing and Case Studies/Readings
I. International Division of Labour
- The Classical Theory of Comparative Advantage
- New Approaches to International Trade
II. Monetary Theory and Policy
- Exchange Rate Mechanisms and Regimes
- Balance of Payments
- European Monetary Union
III. Trade Policy
- Protectionism and its Effects
- Types of Tariffs
- Argumens for Tariffs
The students know the fundamentals of International Economics. They are capable to work in teams and to present results of the group. The group is able to work efficiently, because the offered time for delivering the result is very short. The students can judge about latest events in the world.
Discussions in diverse and always changing groups on highly complex sujets.
Knowledge of micro- and macroeconomics.
Discussion on the basis of readings in current relevant topics worldwide, e.g. the effects of Brexit and of the Financial Market Crisis, the indebtedness of the Eurozone, latest economic policy of the USA (e.g. protectionism).
Krugman, P.R., Obstfeld, M., Melitz, M., International Economics, New York, N.Y. 2014
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