W720 – International Business Law
International Business Law
Version: 2
Prof. Dr. iur. Thorsten Richter
Prof. Dr. iur. Thorsten Richter
5.00 Credits
150 hours
4.00 SWS (3.00 SWS Lecture | 1.00 SWS Seminar)
90.00 hours
Alternative examination - Documentary work
Weighting: 100 % | Tested in English language
The use of E-Learning is ca. 30 %
- Directed Study:
lecture-oriented phases - questions / answers
- discussions
- presentations by students
Self Study:
research and analysis of case studies
1. Intro and Basics of International Business Law
2. Starting up a business abroad with legal protection
3. International Management and Company Law
4. International Sales Law
5. International Marketing Law
6. International Labor Law
7. International Finance Law
8. International Protection of Intellectual Property Rights
9. International Production Law
10. Transportation, Logistics and Customs Law
11. International Dispute Resolution
- Acquirement of methodical case solution competences to solve simple cases in professional practice.
- Development of a legal comprehension to identify legal problems in special fields of international economic law.
- Acquirement of conversational ability in legal fields to discuss issues with international lawyers and accountants.
- Knowledge of general conditions of international economic law.
- Providing of basic legal fundamental terms in national and international economic law.
- Demonstration of different legal problems in selected fields in international trade.
Fachlich: Grundlagenkenntnisse in Recht
Research in library / online for appropriate literature.
Opal https://bildungsportal.sachsen.de/opal
The module is multi-disciplinary within the area of business and management. Hence it has relationships to all legal aspects of business in an international context. The module is essential for the modern manager in an international context.
This is a seminar driven module with a high level of student involvement. Teaching is limited and the emphasis is on coaching, advising , feedback and reflection.