W936 – Change & Complexity in Organisations

Change & Complexity in Organisations
Change & Complexity in Organisations
Module number
Version: 2
Business Administration
1 semester
Summer semester
Module supervisor

Prof. Dr. rer. pol. Nicola Neuvians

Teaching language(s)


ECTS credits

5.00 Credits


150 hours


4.00 SWS (4.00 SWS Seminar)

Self-study time

90.00 hours

Pre-requisite(s) for the examination
Not specified

Alternative examination - Documentary work
Weighting: 100 % | Tested in English language

Alternative examination - Business game
Weighting: 0 % | not graded | Tested in English language

Teaching form

Lectures, Exercises, Business Simulation, Case Study Analysis, Peer-Teaching

Media type
Not specified
Teaching content / structure
  • Clarification of core organizational terms, e.g. organization, behaviour, design, change, complexity, dynamics, stability, path dependencies, controllability and irritations
  • Overview of different theoretical perspectives on organisations and their general impact on management approaches and trends (e.g. digitalization)
  • Selection and understanding of organizational theories and their impact on complexity and change management
  • Peer-Teaching on selected business cases and theory aspects via seminar papers and presentations
  • Training of leadership skills in complex systems via People- and Change Management Simulation Software 
Qualification objectives

I Reproduction

  • students are able to name different organizational theories and its authors by describing its characteristics
  • students learn typical terms and aspects of organzational behaviour & design theory with regard to complexity and change

II Reorganization & Transfer

  • elements of theory and business cases are connected by the students by analyzing and structuring its interrelations
  • students are able to explain complex cases and theory to their peers

III Reflection & Problemsolving 

  • confronted e.g. with a citation students are able to interpret it by refering to organizational  theory and/or applying it to a business case and actual developments such as digitalization
  • students are able to discuss theories and their value for scientifical progress and practical application
Social and personal skills
  • students are able to formulate scientifical points of interest
  • students are trained in team work and self-organizing
  • students deepen their presentation skills
  • studentes gain interdisciplinary knowledge and behavioral skills
Special admission requirement(s)
Not specified
Recommended prerequisites
Not specified
Continuation options
Not specified
  • Senior, B. & Fleming, J. (2006). Organizational Change (3rd ed.). Essex: Pearson Education.
  • Lewin, R. (1992): Complexity: Life on the Edge of Chaos. New York: Macmillan.
  • Nicolis. G./Prigooine, I. (1989). Exploring Complexity. New York: WH Freeman.
Current teaching resources

to be announced in class

Not specified