W623 – International Management and Globalization

International Management and Globalization
International Management and Globalization
Module number
Version: 5
Business Administration
1 semester
Winter semester
Module supervisor

Prof. Dr. rer. pol. Angela Wienen


Prof. Dr. rer. pol. Angela Wienen

Prof. Dr. Gerard Lewis

Teaching language(s)



ECTS credits

5.00 Credits


150 hours


4.00 SWS (4.00 SWS Lecture)

Self-study time

90.00 hours

Pre-requisite(s) for the examination
Not specified

Written examination
Examination duration: 90 min | Weighting: 50 % | Non-compensable | Tested in English language

Alternative examination - Referat
Examination duration: 30 min | Weighting: 50 % | Non-compensable | Tested in English language

Teaching form

Vorlesung mit Übungs- und Diskussionsanteil.


The principles, concepts and theories will be presented during lectures.

For many topics there are chapters from the module text books and some additional readings which support the concepts presented in the lectures. 

Worked examples and problems
Application of the module materials is reinforced using mini-cases, problems and examples.

Case Studies
Students preparecase assignments prior to the scheduled case discussion. Students will be asked questions relating to the case and are expected to present their arguments and reasoning.

Students will be required to work throughout the semester on a project which identifies and assesses the international business issues facing a particular business unit and the consequences for business entry strategy.

Project Presentation
Student teams make a 30 minute presentation which conveys the essential project information, findings and recommendation to a senior executive as concisely as possible.

Media type

Lecture slides are in PPT format.
Where appropriate, guest lectures and AV material will be used. 

Teaching content / structure


I. International Division of Labour

  1. The Classical Theory of Comparative Advantage
  2. New Approaches to International Trade
  3. Globalisation of SMEs

II. Monetary Theory and Policy

  1. Exchange Rate Mechanisms and Regimes
  2. Balance of Payments
  3. The European Monetary Union

III. Trade Policy

  1. Protectionism together with Discrimination
  2.  Types of Tariffs
  3.  Arguments for Tariffs

Studients have the opportunity to make a 30 minute presentation. They can choose a topic from a list of current issues concerning SMEs.


The module will cover the following topics:

Assessing the international opportunity costs; Location and resource advantages, Is the location attractive? Is the country-market attractive?

Assessing risks of exchange rate flucutations, distance and risk: Are the risks in a given coutry acceptable? Business culture - Can we do business successfully in a given country?

Choosing a Business entry strategy with the main focus on trade restrictions -  what strategic options are available?

Qualification objectives

Knowledge and understanding
(professional competence)

The graduates have familiarised themselves with fundamental technical and business contexts and acquired competences to be able to evaluate current business and technological trends and assess their significance for a medium-sized company. This is done using modern methods, e.g. big data.

Graduates have learned to integrate uncertainty into strategic issues (general corporate strategy, innovation, knowledge management).

Graduates have learned to systematically evaluate strategic and operational information, process and resource alternatives and to make data-based decisions.

Use, application and generation of knowledge
(methodological competence)

Graduates possess the ability to analyse markets and trends and to derive or generate product strategies from them, including the use of modern data analysis tools.

Graduates possess the ability and digital method knowledge to generate the necessary information from extensive data and to make well-founded (strategic) decisions.

Graduates have learned to independently break down complex operational tasks into subtasks and solve them in a company-related manner.

Graduates are able to consciously and reflectively make strategic decisions under uncertainty and to apply methods for their implementation.

Graduates possess central competences in the field of management and business administration in order to develop, implement and control strategies, products, projects and processes in medium-sized companies in an independent, goal-oriented and practical manner. This includes working in presence as well as in virtual space.

Communication and cooperation
(social competence)

The high level of professionalism and interdisciplinary competence imparted in this degree programme enables graduates to observe and implement the principles of good governance and corporate responsibility in all fields of activity of the company or organisation.

Graduates are able to recognise the goals of stakeholders in the corporate environment and know methods to integrate their interests into corporate activities.

Scientific self-image / professionalism
(Self-competence and personality development)

Graduates have acquired interdisciplinary competence and recognised its importance for entrepreneurial action.

The professional development of the English language was focused on among the graduates.

The graduates have paid particular attention to possible consequences for action in relation to long-term trends such as globalisation, demographics, financial crises, sustainable development, etc.

Graduates are able to consider, assess and integrate the economic, ecological and social dimensions in (strategic) decisions.

Social and personal skills

Development of analytical and problem solving skills within an strategic context.

Project management skills.

Presentation skills.

Creativity - 'stepping outside of the box' is the essence of successful business strategy.

Special admission requirement(s)
Not specified
Recommended prerequisites

Kenntnisse in Mikro- und Makroökonomie

English level B 2


English level B2

Continuation options
Not specified
  • European Central  Bank, Monthly Bulletin, Frankfurt
  • Gandolfo, G.: International Economics, 2 Bände, Berlin u.a. (1994): Springer
  • Krugman, P.R. / Obstfeld, M.: International Economics, New York, N.Y. 2012




The following textbooks are recommended for supporting and complementing the module lectures.

Main Texts:

  • Hill, Charles W. L, Competing in the Global Marketplace, Boston
  • Helen Deresky, International Management, Prentice Hall, New Jersey

Supporting Reading:

  • Christopher A. Bartlett and Paul W. Beamish, Transnational Management, McGraw-Hill
Current teaching resources

Module materials are available on Portal Sachsen (OPAL)


E-Learning: (Internet-Recherche, Arbeiten in virtuellen Gruppen im Bildungsportal Sachsen)


International management is cross-functional in nature and has a high strategic emphasis. Therefore the module draws upon basic knowledge from other subjects and requires students to take a more holistic view of business and management in an international context.

The module is especially relevant for those who wish to enter general management in an international business context.