W825 – Resources and Uncertainty in Strategic Management

Resources and Uncertainty in Strategic Management
Resources and Uncertainty in Strategic Management
Module number
Version: 6
Business Administration
1 semester
Summer semester
Module supervisor

Prof. Dr. Gerard Lewis


Prof. Dr. Gerard Lewis

Teaching language(s)


ECTS credits

5.00 Credits


150 hours


4.00 SWS (4.00 SWS Seminar)

Self-study time

90.00 hours

Pre-requisite(s) for the examination
Not specified

Written examination
Examination duration: 90 min | Weighting: 60 % | Tested in English language

Alternative examination - Referat
Examination duration: 20 min | Weighting: 40 % | Tested in English language

Teaching form

Lectures The basic principles, concepts and theories will be presented during lectures. Lecture materials are available on Portal Sachsen (OPAL).

Readings For each topic there are chapters from the main textbooks and some additional readings which support the concepts presented in the lectures.

Worked examples and problems Application of the course materials is reinforced using mini-cases, problems and examples.

Case Studies Students prepare case assignments prior to the scheduled case discussion. Students will be asked questions relating to the case and are expected to present their arguments and reasoning.

Presentations Students will be responsible for preparing and delivering presentations on specific strategic issues in business.

Media type

Lecture slides are in PPT/PDF format

Where appropriate, guest lectures and AV material will be used

Teaching content / structure

The module will cover the following main areas:

The Resource Based View

Resource based strategy

Uncertainty in the business context

Strategic decision making under uncertainty

Qualification objectives

Professional and scientific qualification

The graduates have acquired basic global business contexts and competences to evaluate current trends and to assess their strategic and operational relevance for an international company.

Graduates have learned to integrate uncertainty into strategic issues (general corporate strategy, innovation, knowledge management).

Graduates have learned to systematically evaluate strategic and operational information, process and resource alternatives and to make decisions.

Ability to take up qualified gainful employment

Graduates have the inner attitude and professional skills to face challenges that come up in the multicultural business environment. This includes understanding the multiple varieties of business practices and perspectives in a global context.

Graduates can implement theoretically acquired knowledge in a practical and solution-oriented manner.

Graduates possess the ability to generate the necessary information from extensive data and to make well-founded (strategic) decisions.

Graduates have learned to independently break down complex operational tasks into subtasks and solve them in a company-related manner.

Graduates can think and act entrepreneurially and formulate strategies independently.

Graduates can consolidate their English language skills to language level C1.

Ability to engage in social activities

Graduates have a particular focus on possible consequences for action in relation to long-term trends such as globalisation, demographics, financial crises, sustainable development, etc.

Graduates are able to recognise the goals of stakeholders in the business environment and know methods to integrate their interests into business activities.

Personality development

Graduates have learned to assess their own strengths and weaknesses as well as their impact on others and to act according to their personal resources.

Graduates have acquired interdisciplinary competence and recognised its importance for entrepreneurial action.

Against this background, graduates are able to make strategic decisions consciously and reflectively and to apply methods for their implementation.

Graduates have recognised the necessity of lifelong learning and have acquired corresponding skills and strategies.

Social and personal skills

Analytical skills – especially of soft factors.

Project management, teamwork & presentation skills

Problem solving – identifying and solving the problem is a key skill in business strategy development

Creativity – ‚stepping outside of the box‘. The essence of business strategy is to do something different.

Special admission requirement(s)
Not specified
Recommended prerequisites

Resources and Uncertainty in Strategic Management is a capstone module and requires the application of many areas from the Bachelor degree and the first semester of the Master degree programme.

Continuation options
Not specified

Competing For the Future, Hamel & Prahalad, Harvard Business School Press, Boston.

Foundations for Corporate Success, John Kay, Oxford University Press.

Resourced Based Theory, Barney & Clark, Oxford University Press.

Scenarios: The Art of Strategic Conversation, Kees van der Heijden, Wiley, Chichester, 1996.

There are a number of top journals relevant to Strategic Management:
Strategic Management Journal
Sloan Management Review
Journal of Business Strategy
Harvard Business Review
Journal of General Management
Long Range Planning
Academy of Management Executive
McKinsey Quarterly
Academy of Management Review

Current teaching resources



The module is completely taught in English.

The module is especially relevant for those students who wish to make a career in strategy / general management.

For students who expect to develop an international career, the module also provides an important insight into large corporations and international strategy development.