W540 – Human Resource Management - Plan, recruit, develop
Human Resource Management - Plan, recruit, develop
Version: 1
Prof. Dr. rer. pol. Anne-Katrin Haubold
Prof. Dr. rer. pol. Anne-Katrin Haubold
5.00 Credits
150 hours
4.00 SWS (2.00 SWS Lecture | 2.00 SWS Seminar)
90.00 hours
Alternative examination - Referat
Examination duration: 20 min | Weighting: 100 % | Tested in English language
The focus of the module is to teach students how to solve a complex case study in small teams; the work in the teams is substantiated by inputs in the context of the lecture.
A script and selected videos or podcasts or other media will be provided for the lecture part; For the exercise part, the student teams receive concrete tasks for the case study to be processed by their team and, if the case studies are provided by a real company, briefings on the respective situation in the company. All materials are made available via OPAL.
In terms of content, the module covers current challenges and fields of action in the areas of personnel planning, recruiting and personnel development. These individual topics are placed in the context of the meta-topics of digitization and sustainability.
After successfully completing this module, the student can apply in-depth specialist knowledge of personnel planning, recruiting and personnel development in complex case contexts borrowed from corporate reality; She or he is able to subdivide a complex task in a meaningful way, obtain necessary additional information from a client and develop a practical solution with the help of basic scientific and theoretical concepts.
After successfully completing this module, the student can organize himself/herself to such an extent that an overall task that extends over the entire lecture period is solved adequately and on time; she/he is able to professionally interact with a potential client (HR manager of a local company) in this context. After successfully completing the module, the student has demonstrated that they are able to work in a team, i.e. to make agreements and to reach a common solution.
Sparkman, Ross: Strategic Workforce Planning. 2018: Kogan Page. (e-book availabe via HTW library)
Goldstein, Harold et al. The Wiley Blackwell Handbook of the Psychology of Recruitment, Selection and Employee Retention. Chicester: Wiley Blackwell, 2017. (e-book availabe via HTW library)
Kodden, Bas. The Art of Sustainable Performance: A Model for Recruiting, Selection, and Professional Development. Cham: Springer International Publishing AG, 2020. (e-book availabe via HTW library)