M948 – Thermal Renewable Energy
Thermal Renewable Energy
Version: 1
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Heiko Werdin
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Laura Nousch
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Heiko Werdin
5.00 Credits
150 Stunden
4.00 SWS (2.00 SWS Vorlesung | 2.00 SWS Übung)
90.00 Stunden
Mündliche Prüfungsleistung
Prüfungsdauer: 15 min | Wichtung: 100 % | Wird in englischer Sprache abgenommen
- lecture
- tutorial
- Primary energy sources
- Power generation
- Solar energy use (basics, thermal and electrical applications, efficiency)
- Heat pump systems (basics, heat sources, system solutions, energetic evaluation, efficiency)
Students will expand knowledge and understanding of the basic principles of heating and cooling. They will also learn about a variety of thermal renewable systems of energy, including their effective planning and installation.
- Thermodynamics
- Fluidmechanics
- Quaschning, Volker (2005) Understanding Renewable Energy Systems
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