W302 – Management of Non-Profit Organisations
Management of Non-Profit Organisations
Version: 2
Prof. Dr. rer. pol. Nicola Neuvians
Prof. Dr. rer. pol. Nicola Neuvians
Deutsch - 50.00 %
Englisch - 50.00 %
5.00 Credits
150 Stunden
4.00 SWS (2.00 SWS Vorlesung | 2.00 SWS Übung)
90.00 Stunden
Schriftliche Prüfungsleistung
Prüfungsdauer: 90 min | Wichtung: 70 % | Wird in englischer Sprache abgenommen
Alternative Prüfungsleistung - Referat
Prüfungsdauer: 20 min | Wichtung: 30 % | Wird in englischer Sprache abgenommen
In class: Lecture, seminaristic teaching, group work, case study discussions; literature search and readings as part of self studies; preparation, implementation and presentation of different projects in class and at home; lecture scripts and other materials are offered via OPAL.
- Three sectors theory (Private/Public/Non-Profit)
- Goals, characteristics and structur of Non-Profit Organisations
- (NPOs/NGOs)
- Scientific/Theoretical approaches to describe NPOs
- Organisational types and models of NPOs
- Management instruments and systems in NPOs (Performance Management, Corporate Governance, Human Resources, Controlling, Organisation of volunteer work)
- Leadership and competence in NPOs
- Goals, functioning and positioning of regional, national and international NPOs/NGOs
- Opportunities to further professionalise NPOs
- Cooperation trends between private enterprises and NPOs
- in-depth description and discussion of different NPOs/NGOs (legal forms, applied management systems)
The students have an understanding of the management and governance specifics of NPOs as well as the management knowledge regarding leadership and organisation of/in NPOs. The students are able to apply their knowledge in the following fields with the objective of professionalising NPOs:
- general set-up and conditional factors regarding the NPO sectors in Germany, Europe and North America
- management and governance specifics and requirements profile for leadership and non-leadership roles in NPOs
- differences between various types of NPOs
- handling of management situations in NPOs
The students possess implementation-orientied skills to design/change/management processes in NPOs (methods and social skills)
- Anheier, H. K. & Schröer, A. (2012): Nonprofit Organisationen: Eine Einführung zu Theorie, Management und Politik, VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften (oder englische Originalversion).
- Badelt, C. (2007): Handbuch der Nonprofit Organisation, Schaeffer- Poeschel, 4. Aufl., Stuttgart.
- Drucker, P. F. (1990): Managing the Non-Profit Organization: Principles and Practices, HarperCollins-Publisher, New York.
- Eschenbach, R. & Horak, C. (2003): Führung der Nonprofit Organisation, 2. Aufl., Schaeffer Pöschel, Stuttgart.
The module intensifies the knowledge acquired in basic management/organisation/leadership modules in the context of NPOs/NGOs