W466 – International Business Law
International Business Law
Version: 1
Prof. Dr. iur. Thorsten Richter
Prof. Dr. iur. Thorsten Richter
5.00 Credits
150 Stunden
4.00 SWS (4.00 SWS Vorlesung)
90.00 Stunden
Schriftliche Prüfungsleistung
Prüfungsdauer: 90 min | Wichtung: 100 %
lecture with exercises and case studies
1 Case Study Solution Techniques in International Business Law
2 International Business Start-Ups
3 International Management Law
4 International Distribution Law
5 International Marketing Law
6 International Employment Law
7 International Financing Law
8 International Protection of Intellectual Property
9 International Production Law
10 International Transportation Law
11 International Dispute Settlement Law