I850 – Digital 3D Documentation in Archaeology
Digital 3D Documentation in Archaeology
Version: 1
PD Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Marco Block-Berlitz
PD Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Marco Block-Berlitz
5.00 Credits
150 Stunden
4.00 SWS (2.00 SWS Vorlesung | 2.00 SWS Praktikum)
90.00 Stunden
Alternative Prüfungsleistung - Computerprojekt
Wichtung: 100 % | Wird in englischer Sprache abgenommen
- Lecture materials are available as videos and the slides as PDFs
- In addition to the lecture questionnaire, which is available at the end of each lecture, voluntary practical and theoretical exercises are offered
- Motivation and introduction
- Digital photography as basic tool
- Fundamentals of photogrammetry and videogrammetry
- Introduction to the use of multicopters
- Recording strategies for aerial campaigns
- Planning and performing automated flights
- Georeferencing and scaling of 3D models
- Documentation campaigns with mini-submarines
- Automatic image enhancement of underwater photos
- Videogrammetry in practice
- Combination of photogrammetry and videogrammetry
- Planning and execution of documentation campaigns with multicopters
"They" will be used to shorten students in the remainder of this document to keep the objectives more compact.
- They are able to master the necessary mathematical and algorithmic basics
- They are able to assess, plan and evaluate archaeological documentation with multicopters and submericles
- They have a basic understanding of video and photogrammetry methods and know practical problems and solutions
- They know methods for the use of augmented reality in museums and can evaluate and apply them
- They know formats and solutions for long-term archiving of 3D models
Script to the course und lectures notes (videos und slides as PDF)