W720 – International Business Law
International Business Law
Version: 3
Prof. Dr. iur. Thorsten Richter
Prof. Dr. iur. Thorsten Richter
5.00 Credits
150 Stunden
4.00 SWS (3.00 SWS Vorlesung | 1.00 SWS Übung)
90.00 Stunden
Alternative Prüfungsleistung - Belegarbeit
Wichtung: 100 % | Wird in englischer Sprache abgenommen
The use of E-Learning is ca. 30 %
- Directed Study:
lecture-oriented phases - questions / answers
- discussions
- presentations by students
Self Study:
research and analysis of case studies
1. Intro and Basics of International Business Law
2. Starting up a business abroad with legal protection
3. International Management and Company Law
4. International Sales Law
5. International Marketing Law
6. International Labor Law
7. International Finance Law
8. International Protection of Intellectual Property Rights
9. International Production Law
10. Transportation, Logistics and Customs Law
11. International Dispute Resolution
Professional and scientific qualification
Graduates have acquired basic global business knowledge and skills to evaluate current trends and assess their strategic and operational relevance for an international company.
Graduates have learned to systematically evaluate strategic and operational information, process and resource alternatives and to make decisions.
Graduates are able to effectively manage a company's interface (international negotiations, purchasing and sales) with international business partners.
Ability to take up qualified gainful employment
Graduates have the inner attitude and professional skills to face challenges that come up in the multicultural business environment. This includes understanding the multiple varieties of business practices and perspectives in a global context.
Graduates have international business, technical, social, intercultural and ethical knowledge to help bridge different cultures in business processes.
Graduates possess business management, technical, social, intercultural and ethical knowledge relevant to Germany as a business location.
Graduates can implement theoretically acquired knowledge in a practical and solution-oriented manner.
Graduates possess the ability to generate the necessary information from extensive data and to make well-founded (strategic) decisions.
Graduates have learned to independently break down complex operational tasks into sub-tasks and solve them in a company-related manner.
Graduates are able to research, interpret and question specialised scientific texts.
Graduates can present work results in a structured manner and defend and further develop them in front of an expert audience.
Ability to engage in social activities
The high level of professionalism and intercultural competence taught in this degree programme enables graduates to observe and implement the principles of good governance and corporate responsibility in all fields of international activity of the company or organisation.
Graduates meet the challenges of international professional work with a high degree of personal responsibility and integrity. They are naturally sensitive to issues such as sustainability, fairness and diversity.
In particular, graduates have an eye for possible consequences of action in relation to long-term trends such as globalisation, demographics, financial crises, sustainable development, etc.
Fachlich: Grundlagenkenntnisse in Recht
Research in library / online for appropriate literature.
Opal https://bildungsportal.sachsen.de/opal
The module is multi-disciplinary within the area of business and management. Hence it has relationships to all legal aspects of business in an international context. The module is essential for the modern manager in an international context.
This is a seminar driven module with a high level of student involvement. Teaching is limited and the emphasis is on coaching, advising , feedback and reflection.