W950 – International Marketing Management

International Marketing Management
International Marketing Management
Version: 3
1 Semester

Prof. Dr. rer. pol. Anja Stöhr


Prof. Dr. Andrzej Raszkowski




5.00 Credits


150 Stunden


4.00 SWS (1.00 SWS Vorlesung | 3.00 SWS Übung)


90.00 Stunden

Keine Angabe

Alternative Prüfungsleistung - Belegarbeit
Wichtung: 100 % | Wird in englischer Sprache abgenommen


The course is structured as interactive seminar and taught in English. The small group size facilitates close contact to get  fruitful and wide ranging discussions.

Comprehensive lectures with input sessions, Case studies,  excursions, networking, project learning


Blended Learning

Lehrinhalte / Gliederung

The dynamic field of international Marketing-Management is constantly changing. This modul takes as its perspective that the customer undoubtedly is positioned in the center of the firm’s overall management activities.

To keep up with today`s fast changing and globalizing world, marketing management is always analyzed within the broader context of international enterprise and operations environment. The  International  Marketing-Management  modul  focuses on the international Marketing challenges associated with developing Marketing strategies and managing the Marketing operations of companies whose activities stretch across national boundaries.


International Marketing-Management – valuable  insights especially from  market based view

Cross-Border Marketing-Management – actual Changes and Challenges

Building strategic and sustainable Marketing capabilities across Boundaries: especially CSR based Marketing Success-Strategies and Techniques to attract Customers and Customers Loyalty

Managing the operational Marketing-Challenges across Borders and Cultures: especially Making stronger brands than the competitors

Transnational Marketing Implementation, coordination and control development


Professional and scientific qualification

Graduates have acquired basic global business knowledge and skills to evaluate current trends and assess their strategic and operational relevance for an international company.

Graduates have learned to integrate uncertainty into strategic issues (general corporate strategy, innovation, knowledge management).

Graduates develop intercultural expertise and empathy, especially in multicultural teams. They can communicate competently in the English language. They are able to evaluate, optimise and manage international projects and processes across borders.

Graduates are able to effectively manage a company's interface (international negotiations, purchasing and sales) with international business partners.

Ability to take up qualified gainful employment

Graduates have the inner attitude and professional skills to face challenges that come up in the multicultural business environment. This includes understanding the multiple varieties of business practices and perspectives in a global context.

Graduates have international business, technical, social, intercultural and ethical knowledge to help bridge different cultures in business processes.

Graduates have learned to independently break down complex operational tasks into subtasks and solve them in a company-related manner.

Graduates can think and act entrepreneurially and formulate strategies independently.

Ability to engage in social activities

The high level of professionalism and intercultural competence taught in this degree programme enables graduates to observe and implement the principles of good governance and corporate responsibility in all fields of international activity of the company or organisation.

Graduates meet the challenges of international professional work with a high degree of personal responsibility and integrity. They are naturally sensitive to issues such as sustainability, fairness and diversity.

In particular, graduates have an eye for possible consequences of action in relation to long-term trends such as globalisation, demographics, financial crises, sustainable development, etc.

Graduates are able to recognise the goals of stakeholders in the corporate environment and know methods to integrate their interests into corporate action.

Graduates are able to consider, assess and integrate the economic, ecological and social dimensions in (strategic) decisions.

Personality development

Graduates have further developed their intercultural competence and are aware of their special empowerment as representatives of their company.

Graduates have learned to assess their own strengths and weaknesses as well as their impact on others and to act according to their personal resources.

Graduates have acquired interdisciplinary competence and recognised its importance for entrepreneurial action.

Against this background, graduates are able to make conscious and reflected strategic decisions and apply methods for their implementation.

Graduates have recognised the necessity of lifelong learning and have acquired corresponding skills and strategies.

Sozial- und Selbstkompetenzen

The students  will be able and  are encouraged to develop their own ideas and marketing strategies and tools to solve the challenges

The students are prepared for positions as international Marketing-Managers

Besondere Zulassungs­voraussetzung(en)
Keine Angabe
Empfohlene Voraussetzungen

Knowledge of international marketing

Keine Angabe

Glowik, M.; Smyczek, S. International Marketing Management, Strategies, Concepts and Cases

Keller, K.L.: Strategic Brand Management

Murphy J.M. (eds) Branding: A Key Marketing Tool. Palgrave Macmillan, London

Aktuelle Lehrressourcen

Scripts, handouts and Links will be provided


The modul International Marketing Management includes CSR based Marketing Strategies and Techniques to attract Customers and Customer's Loyalty, and provides insights into profitable brand strategies.

Marketingmanagement  and Innovationmanagement are among the key challenges
for companies, enabling them to differentiate and outpace the competition. Think of marketing and innovation like a pair of gears that work together to move the entrepreneurial success engine forward.

Innovation without marketing and marketing without innovation cannot be successful,
which is why both should be considered together. So the modul International Marketing Management fits well with the modul Innovation Management, and vice versa.