W941 – Innovation Management
Innovation Management
Version: 2
Prof. Dr. rer. pol. Swen Günther
Prof. Dr. rer. pol. Anja Stöhr
Prof. Dr. rer. pol. Swen Günther
5.00 Credits
150 Stunden
4.00 SWS (2.00 SWS Vorlesung | 2.00 SWS Übung)
90.00 Stunden
Alternative Prüfungsleistung - Belegarbeit
Wichtung: 100 % | Wird in englischer Sprache abgenommen
Comprehensive lectures with input sesions, discussions, exercises, and project learning
Mix of PowerPoint presentations, computer work, and panel discussion
The course "Innovation Management" provides a comprehensive introduction into the Innovation Process, including the three steps idea creation, idea evaluation, and idea execution (part 1). Beside studying the theoretical framework, we will apply the knowledge at practical workshops and case studies. Additionally, the transfer and marketing of new ideas and inventions will be considered (part 2). All in all, the outline of the course consists four parts:
- Idea creation (Creativity & Invention)
- Idea evaluation (Financials & Non-financials)
- From Invention to Innovation (Design & Validation)
- Innovation commercialization (Marketing)
Knowledge and understanding
(professional competence)
Graduates have the ability to analyze (international) markets and trends and to derive product strategies from them. This is done using modern methods, e.g. Big Data.
Graduates possess central competencies in management and engineering to manage international projects for the optimization of value creation processes.
Use, application and generation of knowledge
(methodological competence)
Graduates have learned relevant tools and methods to plan and manage new product launches.
Graduates will be able to apply knowledge gained during their studies in a targeted and practical manner to resolve conflicting goals. This includes working in presence as well as in virtual space.
Graduates have learned to independently break down complex operational tasks into subtasks and solve them in a company-related manner.
Communication and cooperation
(social competence)
Graduates are able to organize themselves and demonstrate strong teamwork and leadership skills. This applies to situations in reality as well as in the virtual environment (online meeting, social media).
The subject-related further development of the English language was specifically promoted among the graduates.
Graduates are able to explain complex technical and economic contexts in a target group-specific manner.
Scientific self-understanding / professionalism
(Self-competence and personal development)
Graduates have acquired interdisciplinary competence and recognized its importance for entrepreneurial action.
The graduates possess skills and know-how which support a confident appearance towards customers and suppliers.
The participants are able to improve their soft skills, e.g.
- Working in interdisciplinary teams
- Solving real-life problems
- Developing entrepreneurial skills
Fundamentals of project & process management
Hauschildt, J./ Salomo, S.: Innovationsmanagement, Vahlen 2010
Keller, K.L.: Strategic Brand Management, Pearson 2012
Orloff, M.A.: Modern TRIZ, Springer 2012
Tidd, J./ Bessant, J.: Managing Innovation, Wiley 2013
Scripts, templates, and handouts are provided via OPAL
Innovationmanagement and Marketingmanagement are among the key challenges for companies, enabling them to differentiate and outpace the competition. Think of marketing and innovation like a pair of gears that work together to move the entrepreneurial success engine forward.
Innovation without marketing and marketing without innovation cannot be successful, which is why both should be considered together. So the modul International Marketing Management fits well with the module Innovation Management, and vice versa.