W935 – Scientific Writing
Scientific Writing
Version: 4
Prof. Dr. rer. pol. Ronny Baierl
Dr. phil. Kerstin Kathy Meyer-Ross
2.00 Credits
60 Stunden
2.00 SWS (2.00 SWS Übung)
30.00 Stunden
Alternative Prüfungsleistung - Referat
Prüfungsdauer: 20 min | Wichtung: 100 % | Wird in englischer Sprache abgenommen
Interactive Lecture
- Identifying relevant research questions
- General structure of a journal paper
- Purpose of each section
- How to write a convincing paper
- Working in academic projects
- Basic understanding of scientific writing
- What makes an effective paper
- What is needed by reviewers and editors
- The process of publishing a paper
will be provided in class