W432 – Organizational and Supply Chain Design
Organizational and Supply Chain Design
Version: 2
Prof. Dr. rer. pol. Julia Krause
Prof. Dr. rer. pol. Julia Krause
Prof. Dr. Andrzej Raszkowski
Dr. rer. pol. Andreas Heinen
5.00 Credits
150 Stunden
4.00 SWS (4.00 SWS Vorlesung)
90.00 Stunden
Schriftliche Prüfungsleistung
Prüfungsdauer: 90 min | Wichtung: 100 % | Wird in englischer Sprache abgenommen
- Lectures (online/offline)
- Case studies
- Readings
- An Overview of the Field of Organisational Behaviour & Design
- Organisational Structure and Design
- Theories of Employee Motivation and Rewards Systems
- Organisational Conflict & Resolution Strategies
- Organisational Change and Development
- Organisational Culture
Supply Chain
- International Supply Chains
- Design of material flow between companies
- Management techniques
- Demand Planning
- Transportation modes and concepts
- Sustainability & KPIs in Supply Chain Management
Upon completion of this course, the student will have reliably demonstrated the ability to:
- Analyse individual and group behaviour, and understand the implications of organisational behaviour on the process of management.
- Describe and assess the basic design elements of organisational structure and evaluate their impact on employees.
- Identify different motivational theories and evaluate motivational strategies used in a variety of organisational settings.
- Explain how organisational change and culture affect working relationships within organizations.
Supply Chain
- understanding, visualizing and analyzing global supply chains
- defining KPI for the measurement of the efficiency of supply chains
- evaluating supply chain concepts
- creating international transport chains considering Sustainability issues
- Methodological competence
- Self-discipline
- Critical thinking
- Communication skills
- Ability to work in a team
- Ability to deal with conflict
- Empathy
- Responsibility
- Justice
- Robbins, S./Judge T. A. (latest edition). Organizational Behavior. Pearson.
- Jones, G. (latest edition). Organizational Theory, Design and Change: Text and Cases. Pearson.
- Schein, E. (latest edition). Organizational Culture and Leadership. Jossey-Bass.
- Jonssen, Patrick (latest edition): Logistics and Supply Chain Management, McGraw-Hill
- McKeller, John (latest edition): Supply Chain Management Demystified, McGraw-Hill