M949 – Innovation in Industry and Materials
Innovation in Industry and Materials
Version: 2
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Gunther Göbel
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Gunther Göbel
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Thomas Grischek
Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Jakob Ebermann
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Gunther Claus Stehr
3.00 Credits
90 Stunden
2.00 SWS (2.00 SWS Übung)
60.00 Stunden
Alternative Prüfungsleistung - Beleg
Wichtung: 100 % | Wird in englischer Sprache abgenommen
Overview in various areas of environmental engineering. This includes e-mobility, production technology, space technology, energy efficiency, solar energy, facility management. Examples for specific topics are:
Production with a small ecological footprint: Energy efficient production methods
Surface technologies as a key factor for environmental applications
Challenges of e-mobility for the industrial production: new designs, materials and production concepts”
Solar thermal use of solar energy (non-concentrating and concentrating collectors, solar thermal systems, solar power stations), Photovoltaics (solar cell, losses, energy storage,…)
- Modern fluid pumping technologies, including case study
- Introduction to hydraulic fracking
- Differentiation and industrial use of algae
- Innovative propulsion technology for aerospace
- Students will gain insights into environmental aspects of modern technology. This includes background information on world wide energy demand and distribution, main industrial consumption and modern use of renewable energies (including physical principles, most important components etc).
- Students will have an understanding of current production trends driven by ecological demands and be able to describe modern production methods like joining or surface technologies to answer these demands
- Students will be able to describe latest environmental technologies in specialist areas, and discuss these innovations in detail and have a basic knowledge of the economic aspects of renewable energy and e-mobility.
Minimum of four semesters previous studies in an Engineering or Environmental Science program.
Knowledge of English language on the level of B1.
- Peuser, F. (2011) Solar Thermal Systems: Successful Planning and Construction. Solarpraxis, ISBN 978-1849713313.
- Häberlin, H. (2012) Photovoltaics: System Design and Practice. VDE-Verlag, ISBN 978-3800733514.
- Gevorkian, P. (2012) Large-Scale Solar Power System Design. Cambridge University Press, ISBN 978-1107027688.
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